
Snowshoeing around Kontioniemi 

1 February 2025 at 10 in Kontioniemi 

An easy snowshoe trail in Kontioniemi. Let’s meet at the Kontioniemi School at 10.00 (street address Jääkärintie 2). Take your own snack, snowshoes and poles with you. This trek is about three hours. 

If you are a member of Joensuun Latu, you can borrow snowshoes from the association.

For more information, please contact Arja Manninen, email arja.anita@hotmail.com, tel. 040 730 752


Moomin ski schools 

1-2 February, 8 February and 15 February 2025 (extra day if needed, 16 February) at Lykynlampi

Welcome to Moomin ski schools! Here is some general information:

The Moomin ski school temperature limit is -15 C at 9.00 in the morning, checked from the thermometer at Lykynampi. When dressing up the little skiing school participant, please note not only yhe tempreature, but also the wirn.

During the day, Joensuun Latu serves warm juice for the participants.If your child is allergic to some ingredient in juice, please inform the teachers of the school.

Participants are insureced by Joensuun Latu. The insurance does not cover skiing eqiuipment.

If we need to cancel two schoold days due to weather, the extra day is Sunday, 16 February.

Moomin ski schools 

Moomin family ski school on Saturday 1 February, Saturday 8 February and Saturday 15 February at 10-12. Moomin family ski school is for children of 2-5 years of age, together with an adult, both with skis. We learn basic skills of skiing together with Moomin. 

You can join the school at any time between 10-12 (note! school day ends at 12) and participate the time you can.

We can take 20 child-adult couples in the Moomin family ski school. 

Participation fee: free for members, 30 e/family for non-members. Please bring the payment in even money in an envelope, on top the name of the guardian/child.


Moomin troll ski school on Saturday 1 February, Saturday 2 February, Saturday 8 February and Saturday 15 February at 10-11.30. For children aged 4-7 who can ski a short distance on one’s own. 

We learn more basic skills of skiing by playing. Moomin will also guide us to sliding techniques.

We can take 8-15 children to Moomin troll ski school, depending on the number of instructors available.

The participants should wear warm skiing clothes, skiing shoes and have skis and poles. Please mark at home the skis and poles with child’s name or other mark that you can regocnize.

In case of more than one ski school day must be cancelled due to weather conditions, the additional ski school is Sunday 16 February.

Participation fee: free for members, 30 e/family for non-members. Please bring the payment in even money in an envelope, on top the name of the guardian/child.

For more information, please contact Marjo Sallinen, email marjossallinen@hotmail.com, tel. 045 668 4232, Katri Rönkkö,  email ronkko.katri@gmail.com, tel. 045 130 1020 or Helmi Vartiainen, email helmieliisa@gmail.com, tel. 044 506 1093

Registration to Moomin family ski school and to Moomin troll ski school will be opened on Saturday, 11 January, on Joensuun Latu website. Please follow the website and register quickly! The ski schools are very popular and get full soon.


Exercise group for those who used to be young  

The programme for February:

4.2. at 13, Ski trip in Karhumäki, meeting place Karhunmäen koulu, street address Karhunkaari 28

6.2. at 14-16 Gym at Vesikko

11.2. at 13 Ski trip, meeting place Racetrack, street address Linnunlahdentie 5

13.2. at 14–16 Gym at Vesikko

15.2. at 18 Skiiking in the light of torches at Lykynlampi, one group4 km

16.2. at 14–16 Pilates at Vesikko, introduction to pilates

18.2. at 13 Ski trip, meeting place at Koillisväylä parking place

20.2. at 14 ki trip, route Lykynlampi–Marjala–Noljakka, on group

25.2. at 17 Snowshoe hiking trip in Kuhasalo

27.2. at 14–16 Gym at Vesikko

Fro more information on the ski trips and gym, please contact Tuula Turunen, email thturunen@gmail.com, tel. 050 372 6242


Skiing in the light of torches  

On a dark Saturday evening, on 17 February, come and ski in the light of torches at 17-20 in Lykynlampi! Torches light the skiing tracks of 1-3 kilometers in the forest, and the short skiing track next to Lykynlampi parking place.

Maybe you will see Moomin on the skiing tracks too!

Lykynlampi saunas are warm between 12-19, and the cafeteria has extended opening hours until 20 o’clock. 

For more information, please contact Hannu Melin, hannu.melin@gmail.com, p. 040 773 5767


Photo evening and info on sleep

17 February 2025 at 17–19 in Joensuu Main Library, in Muikku-room. Street address: Koskikatu 25.

Good sleep, our shared goal

Physiotherapist Päivi Eteläpää tells us on the meaning of sleep as part of comprehensive weel-being.

Tundra in Sweden and in Norway

The great tunrda in Sweden and Norway are easile accessible and popular among hikers. During one week hike, you see a lot. Liisa and Eero Oura show their photos and share their experiences on their hikes in the Sweden and Norway tundra in winter 2024 – and over the past 30 years.


Skiing school for adults

18-19 February 2025 and 25-26 February at 18.30-120 in Joensuu Laulurinne

Come and learn traditional and/or skating style skiing in the skiing school for adults, organized jointly with Joensuun Hiihto-Kataja society. These skiing schools have been organized for several years, and the participants have given very good feedback.

This winter we organize two skiing schools at Joensuu Laulurinne. The first skiing school takes place in January and the other one in February. The skiing schools are both for beginners and advances skiers. The teachers in the school are the skiing coaches and instructors of Hiihto-Kataja.

If you do not have own skies, you can loan them from Hiihto-Kataja.

Minimum number of participants is five, maximum 30.

Price 80 euro for the members of Joensuu Latu or Hiihto-Kataja, for non-members 95 euro.

In case the temperature is below -15 C, or we do not have snow, the school is not organized.

Programme in the skiing school in February:

Tuesday 18 February at 18.30-20.00, traditional style

Wednesday 19 February at 18.30-20.00, traditional style

Tuesday 25 February at 18.30-20.00, skating style

Wednesday 26 February at 18.30-20.00, skating style

Registration on the Hiihto-Kataja website 

For more information, please contact: Ilari Nissinen, ilari.nissinen@hotmail.com, p. 0440 102 396


National Ski Day on 22 February 2025

National Ski Day on 22 February 2025 calls everybody out to ski! Ski on the close-by ski track, take to whole family for a ski trip to a near-by lean-to or participate in the ski events organized by Suomen Latu member associations around Finland! How and where you choose to ski, enjoy the fun of skiing – and share your day in social media, #kansallinenhiihtopäivä.


Ski cafeteria in Kuhamaja

If and when the ice on the lake Pyhäselkä is hard enough to make ski track on the lake, we will open a pop-up ski cafeteria in Kuhamaja. Warm juice and coffee cooked on open fire can be bought. Take your own cup with you! At Kuhamaja, you can also eat your own snack and warm up sausages on the fire.

Follow us in social media to see when the pop-up cafeteria in Kuhamaja is open.