
7.4., 5.5., 2.6., Low treshold nature trip in Kuhasalo

Come and enjoy Kuhasalo recreational area. Have an open mind and own teacup with you. Walking distance 2km. Possibility to enjoy of your own campfire sausages. Meeting point at 18.00 Kuhasalo parking place, Kukkosensaari 5. Maximum participants 10. Together 5 nature trips. Detailed information and sign up by Tuesday of the current week, mervi.s.lindstrom@gmail.com, tel. 050919 7139.

Ski on crusted snow in Patvinsuo

15-20 km ski trip on snow crust. Bring warm clothes, snacks and hot drink with you. Carpool ride, meeting at 7.00am Koskikatu 12. Return to Joensuu by 5pm. Follow and see the date https://joensuunlatu.sporttisaitti.com. Further information, thturunen@gmail.com, tel. 050 372 6242.

11.4. How to lighten the weight of your backpack?

Experienced hiker talks what and how he packs for one-week hiking trip. The lecture will be held at 18.00 in Papinkatu 3. Event open to all.

25.4. Photo night

Topic: Paddling from White Sea to Saint Petersburg 2018

26.4. Basics of hiking

We will teach you the basics of what you need to know to create your own adventure. We`ll also tell you about north Karelian excursion destinations and trips organised by Joensun Latu. Further information, hannu.melin@gmail.com, tel. 040 7735767.

26.4., 3.5., 10.5., 17.5. Moomin camping school

Camping school for children aged 6-9 on Tuesdays 17.30 to 19.30 in Lykynlampi Outdoor Center. Four meetings in the spring, four in the autumn. Outdoor playing and exercising in nature teach children the skills needed in camping. All activities outdoors, own snacks and dressing according to the weather. Fee spring 2022: member 20€, non-member 30€ has to pay on the first meeting. Further information, jenna.tahvanainen@outlook.com, tel. 045 166 4115.