
Evening cycling tours continue (open for all)

Evening cycling tours continue on two Tuesday evenings in June:

4 June 2024 Jokiranta–Onttola, for more information, please contact: Sinikka Saavalainen, sinsaavalainen@gmail.com, tel. . 050 343 7735

11 June 24 Paihola, for more information, please contact Arja Manninen, arja.anita@hotmail.com, tel. 040 730 7524. Note! We will have a break in Paihola at Summer Cafeteria Kakkulaituri (Kesäkahvila Kakkulaituri). At the café, only card payments are accepted.

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Pirhun kierto hiking on 8-9 June (cancelled)

Pirhon kierto is a 19 km hiking path at Koitajoki Nature Reserve Area in Ilomantsi.

We will start our hiking trip on Saturday morning, 8 June at 8.00 by carpools, starting at 9 am from the bus stop at the Joensuu Sports Hall (urheilutalo in Finnish), street address: Koskikatu 12.  It is approximately 120 drive from Joensuu to Koitajoki area.

We accommodate in Verkkopudas in tents. At Verkkopudas, there is also a hut, place for fire and dry toilet. At Verkkopudas, we train the hiking skills learned in “Fall in love in hiking” -course in May.

On Sunday, we will visit Virmajärvi, the easternmost place of Finland and of the continental European Union. 

The whole hiking trip will be around 19 km, on easy paths.

Pirhun kierto hiking is guided by Tuula Turunen, Pilvi Tapio, Hannu Melin ja Minna Päivinen.

Binding registration by 20 May to Tuula Turunen, email: thturunen@gmail.com,

tel. 050 372 6242. When registering, please inform Tuula if you have a car available for the carpool.  

You will hear more on this hiking in the info on hiking and trekking activities on 13 January at Lykynlampi.

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Sleep a night outdoor for families with children (open for all)

On 8-9 June at Lykynlampi, you can experience how it is to sleep a night outdoor. This event starts on Saturday afternoon with joint games and plays. Some snacks are also available.

For the night, you need a tent, which you may loan from Joensuun Latu, if needed.

In the morning, breakfast is served before going back home.

We can take 30 participants. Registration for the event starts in May. Please follow the Joensuun latu website.  Joensuun Latu organizes this event together with Joensuun Perheentalo (Joensuun community house for children and families with children).

For more information, please contact Kirsi Soikkeli, kirsi.soikkeli64@gmail.com, tel. 044 548 5832, Mia Ylhäinen, mia.ylhainen@pelastakaalapset.fi, t. 050 413 0563

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Canooing on Pielisjoki river

Canooing downstream from Paihola to Joensuu on 15 June. We welcome Joensuun Latu members and Joensuun Kauhojat members to this easy canoeing trip – also beginners!

Please register by 12 June.

For more information and to register, please contact Pentti Leskinen, penttileskinen13@gmail.com, p. 050 341 9725

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Summer night of Monkshoods – a day trip in the middle of the night


After midsummer, we will make a day trip in the middle of night to Tohmajärvi. We will listen to birds singing loudly in the summer night, and admire monkshoods, taller than us, rare in Finland. We will travel to Tohmajärvi by carpools, starting from Joensuu late in the evening, and coming back before the dawn.

We will fix the day in early summer. Please follow Joensuu Latu website. Pre-registration needed, limited number of participants.

For more information, please contact Tanja Perkkiö, tanja.perkkio@gmail.com